What Carnival would it be without fritters? A simple, cheap and tasty dessert, popular throughout Italy during the days leading up to Carnival.


Today we open our cookbooks to reveal the secret recipe of Casa Morettino.


Being true coffee lovers for generations, our version of fritters could not be without coffee!


To prepare this delicacy we use an elegant and balanced organic blend, our Naturae fresh ground coffee, to be prepared with the Moka.




2 cups of Naturae coffee prepared with Moka

500g of flour 00

50g of sugar

3 eggs

½ sachet of baking powder

80g of butter

1 vanilla bean

1 pinch of salt

Seed oil for frying to taste

Powdered sugar to taste



Prepare coffee with the coffee maker and let it cool down.


Meanwhile, work the flour with eggs, sugar and butter on a pastry board.


Add the two cups of coffee prepared previously to the mixture and continue to work until the mixture is smooth and soft.


Cover it with cling film and let it rest in the fridge for an hour.


After the time has elapsed, roll the dough with a rolling pin until you get a medium-thin sheet (the thinner it is, the more bubbles it will make and it will be crunchy).


Cut out strips 5 cm wide and 15 cm long and engrave them with two central cuts.


Fry them in oil at about 180 degrees for a few seconds, they should not overcook but only getting gold.


Take them out of the oil and let them dry on absorbent paper. Once cooled, sprinkle them with a little powdered sugar.


Serve them accompanied by a good Morettino coffee!