Espresso is one of the symbols of Italian lifestyle that the whole world envies us. If once coffee was prerogative of bars and cafes, in the most recent years it has also conquered the homes of Italians.

This has happened thanks to the widespread diffusion of domestic Espresso machines, with pods, capsules or ground coffee, which have radically changed the consumption habits of Italians.




Alongside technologically advanced Espresso machines, the market has unfortunately been flooded with machines produced in developing countries, created with low-cost components and cheap labour. This allows those who produce these machines to resell them at off-market prices. A vicious circle that, by exploiting the appeal of a Made in Italy icon, effectively prevents its development, penalizing those who create quality.

A separate chapter should then be dedicated to the jungle of coffee pods and capsules, sold for a few cents, which often contain defective coffee that can cause damage to the health of consumers. 


So how do you choose an Espresso machine without compromising quality?



Our love for Sicily is one of the values that has always guided the work of the Morettino roaster, which has been operating for a hundred years to enhance the best that this land has to offer, in terms of excellence, professional skills and cultural heritage.

The EQ Espresso project – the first espresso machine  Made in Sicily with squared pods – was born from the attachment to our roots. 

EQ Espresso is a system patented by Morettino, which combines craftsmanship and innovation in a square-shaped pod, a mix of ancient knowledge and flavors from the world of coffee.

EQ Espresso is designed to make the coffee ritual unforgettable thanks to three components: an artisanal espresso machine – totally Made in Italy, created by Sicilian designers and handmade by Italian artisans -, a collection of fine coffee selected with care and ground on the spot and ecological pods which, thanks to the square shape, allow a better extraction of coffee.

he result is perfect, thanks to the exchanger of the professional Espresso machines, which give life to a hot and creamy coffee, just like the one that you would drink in a cafè. 



EQ Espresso is also eco-friendly: the coffee is roasted slowly and in a suistanable way through the hot clean air system. The pod, made of food filter paper, is fully compostable. EQ Espresso machines are designed to achieve the best energy efficiency.



The innovation and quality of the EQ Espresso system has been awarded by two important awards: the “Honorable Mention Compasso d’Oro Adi 2016“, the award for the masterpieces of Italian design created in the 1950s by Giò Ponti, and the “GrandesignEtico International Award”, the prize that the Plana Cultural Association assigns to designers and innovative products of those companies that are committed to ethical contexts.



With the Morettino EQ Espresso system it is possible to choose between eight different types of coffee: three single origins (Ethiopia Sidamo, Brazil Santos and Perù Cajamarca) and five blends (Reserve 100% Arabica, Mediterraneo, Mediterraneo Biologico, Mediterraneo Decaffeinato and Grancrema ). In this way the consumer can choose which coffee to drink based on the different moments of the day.




Morettino has also created the EQ Espresso Professional collection, dedicated to the world of catering and hôtellerie, but also to professional firms and VAT number holders, with tailor-made projects adapted to the customer, which allow to propose an innovative offer able to satisfy the most demanding consumers.

The system includes a coffee list which, like the restaurant wine list, illustrates the terroirs of origin, aromas, notes and scents that characterize each of the eight coffees. 

It is possible to buy EQ Espresso machines and pods on, we deliver all over the world, or in our stores in Palermo, Catania and Agrigento.


For info you can contact Morettino Coffee Specialists on 091 671 50 72 or you can write to [email protected].