Which ground coffee to choose to have the perfect coffee?


Each type of extraction, whether it is Moka, Espresso or Filter, needs a different type of grinding to perform at its best.


Coffee grinding is the process of pulverizing previously roasted beans. There are three levels of grinding: fine, medium and coarse.




For Espresso coffee, prepared either with the professional bar machine or with pod machines, the grinding degree must be fine. This is to facilitate the speed of extraction and allow the water to capture the maximum aroma in a few seconds.


The correct degree of grinding for an Espresso is obtained with 7 grams of ground coffee and a steam pressure of 9 bars, 25 ml of coffee are obtained in 25 seconds.


By using a coffee with a coarser grinding degree, the risk is to have a coffee that is under-extracted, therefore watery and with a light and not very thick cream.


To prepare coffee with the coffee maker, however, the grind must be medium. Be careful not to use ground coffee for Espresso to prepare your Moka: being that coffee ground in a very fine way, the water will encounter greater resistance in passing through the coffee powder, with the risk of obtaining a burnt coffee or, worse , to make the Moka blow.



Finally, we come to the coarse grind. It is perfect for filter coffee (Chemex, French press, V60, Aeropress) and for American coffee machines.


The water, passing through the coarser ground powder, is retained by the coffee for a long time. This allows the water to better extract all the aromas and flavors and thus obtain a fragrant meditation drink, reminiscent of a real infusion.


When choosing your coffee, therefore, always pay the utmost attention to the indications suggested on the label.


And, for a drink with a unique taste, always choose fresh ground coffee.