To support the difficult daily life of doctors, nurses and healthcare staff engaged in the battle against Covid and the vaccination campaign, Morettino gives them the charge and energy through coffee, a symbol of sharing and friendship. 

Morettino, a historic Sicilian roasting company that has just turned one hundred years old, from the beginning of the health emergency to date has offered thousands of coffee to healthcare staff, through constant deliveries to all the main hospitals in Sicily and to some other Italian cities. 

In these difficult days, in which Sicily is facing an outbreack of infections, the commitment of roasting continues with the support also of the vaccination campaign, thanks to the inclusion of the Fiera del Mediterraneo Hub and of the Palermo Policlinico Giaccone hospital in the network of healthcare centers involved in the initiative. 

“Morettino has always been there for Palermo. And today more than ever we feel the need to show our love for the city and its children – says Andrea Morettino – There are many social initiatives carried out since the beginning of the pandemic, with small gestures of humanity towards those who have been engaged for months at the forefront of the battle against the virus “. “For the past hundred years – continues Morettino – our coffee has accompanied the daily life of Sicilians, in the morning, during free time or while working. Today, in a very critical phase, this initiative seems to us the natural continuation of our long entrepreneurial path for the city and with the city “. 



Hub Vaccinale Fiera del Mediterraneo – Palermo

Azienda Ospedaliera Villa Sofia – Cervello – Palermo

Policlinico Paolo Giaccone – Palermo

Ospedale Civico Di Cristina Benfratelli – Palermo

Ospedale Ingrassia – Palermo

Ospedale Civico – Partinico


Ospedale Santa Marta Venera

Ospedale Vittorio Emanuele

Ospedale Cannizzaro


Azienda ospedaliera Papardo – Messina

Policlinico Gaetano Martino – Messina

Ospedale Cutroni Zodda – Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto

Ospedale Barone Ignazio Romeo – Patti


Ospedale Sant’Antonio Abate – Trapani

Ospedale Paolo Borsellino – Marsala


Policlinico di Milano


Centro oncologico di Aviano