Christmas is almost here and this time of year brings with it – in addition to the joy of sharing carefree moments with loved ones – also the frenzy of looking for gifts for friends and relatives.

We know that the most welcome gift is the one made with the heart, which reflects the soul of those who will receive it. So here is our guide to the perfect Christmas gift, naturally with the scent of coffee.

Do you know that the most gifted item in Italy is the Espresso coffee machine? A tool that has revolutionized the way of experiencing the coffee ritual. Morettino has created and patented an innovative pod system, “Espresso al Quadrato”, able of recreating the same good and creamy Espresso from the bar even at home. This is thanks to the professional components of the machines entirely Made in Italy and the shape of the square pod, designed for a better extraction of coffee. A system awarded with the Compasso d’Oro dell’Adi, the most prestigious award for industrial design in our country. For the Christmas period Morettino has launched the EQ Red Limited Edition machine, on sale up to December 31st at € 100, with 100 compostable pods for free. Why not take advantage of it?

On the other hand, to a relative who loves tradition, you can give the elegant Gift Box that Morettino has dedicated to the symbols of Sicilian culture, designed to rediscover the value of slowness and the intimate gestures of coffee prepared with Moka. It is possible to choose between “I Mori di Sicilia“, “I Pupi Siciliani” and “I Caffè di Sicilia“. Each Gift Box tells a unique story made of the union of different scents, flavors and cultures.

For the globetrotter friend who loves to explore new boundaries of taste, a beautiful gift could be the Chemex, a fascinating tool for the extraction of filter coffee also exhibited at the MoMA in New York as an icon of world industrial design, or alternatively an American coffee machine for coffee to be sipped slowly in a mug, the classic large cup typical of overseas films.

And for gourmets, on the other hand, we suggest a delicious gift: the 100% Arabica Espresso coffee liqueur to be served at the table with the elegant Morettino Coffee Art tray designed by young designers from Palermo with decorations that recall Sicilian majolica.